Traditional treatments often involve
the lengthy repeat process of serial extractions
of baby teeth followed by permanent teeth.
(SOURCE: International Dental Journal---2003)
Your Jaws ~ Your Life (page 101)
Teeth are not always too big for the mouth. More often,
the dental arches of the mouth are too small for the
teeth. Two main choices determine the approach to solving
the problem of crowded and crooked teeth. One option
pulls teeth. One option attempts to make room for the
teeth to fit in. Traditional orthodontic treatments
and FJO treatments differ profoundly on how to handle
tooth crowding problems.
Traditional treatments often prescribe
the lengthy repeat process of serial tooth extractions.
This invasive and costly sequential tooth removal process
causes loss of tooth space and airway space as dental
arches collapse. It is really guided dental arch collapse.
Orthodontic extraction philosophies and rates vary from
practice to practice. One study found actual extraction
rates ranged from 25% to 85% of patients. After a small
or large number of teeth are removed, remaining teeth
are aligned.
FJO techniques act in a totally opposite
fashion to actively guide dental arch development. FJO
treatments help to make room for erupting teeth, which
often results in no teeth needing to be removed. After
steps are taken to make room for the teeth, they are
aligned after they grow in. The key to sucessful dental
arch development is to start as early as a problem is
recognized--even at ages 2 to 8.
David C. Page, D.D.S.
Your Jaws ~ Your Life (page 101)