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October 20, 1998

Breast feeding is clearly superior for baby and mom.

The optimization of breast-feeding in the perinatal period. Clin Perinatol 1998 Jun;25(2):303-26 Neifert MR, University of Colorado School of Medicine, USA.

Mounting scientific evidence documents the diverse health benefits of successful breast-feeding for infants and mothers. The trend toward earlier discharge of newborns, however, has been linked with adverse outcomes in breast-fed babies, including hypernatremic dehydration and hyperbilirubinemia. PMID: 9646995, UI: 98310979

Risk factors for development of dehydration in children aged under five who have acute watery diarrhoea: a case-control study. Public Health 1998 Jul;112(4):233-6, Zodpey SP, Deshpande SG, Ughade SN, Hinge AV, Shirikhande SN Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, Government Medical College Hospital, Maharashtra State, India.

OBJECTIVE: To identify risk factors for development of dehydration in under five year olds with acute watery diarrhoea

RESULTS: This study identified the significance of ....cy of stool > 8/d, frequency of vomiting > 2/d, history of measles in previous six months, withdrawal of breast feeding during diarrhoea, withdrawal of fluids during diarrhoea and not giving ORS, HAF or both during diarrhoea, in the outcome of development of moderate or severe dehydration.

CONCLUSIONS: Timely intervention in the preventable risk factors included in this study may prevent the development of moderate or severe dehydration in the children suffering form acute watery diarrhoea. PMID: 9724946, UI: 98392158.

Lethality in breast-fed infants with persistent diarrhea: risk factors with death.Arq Gastroenterol 1998 Jan-Mar;35(1):62-8 [Article in Portugese] de Andrade JA, Gomes TA, Fagundes-Neto U Escola Paulista de Medicina, Universidade Federal de Sao Paulo EPM-UNIFESP.

OBJECTIVE: To study persistent diarrhea risk factors, a frequent disease in developing countries. RESULTS: Sepsis (the spread of an infection) was considered the most important cause of death for hospitalized lactents with persistent diarrhea. PMID: 9711316, UI: 98377175.

Characteristics of persistent diarrhea in pediatric services in Tunis. Arch Pediatr 1995 Mar;2(3):227-31 [Article in French] Khaldi F, Ben Mansour A, Ben Naceur B Service de medecine infantile A, hopitald'Enfants de Tunis, Tunisie.

BACKGROUND: Persistent diarrhea (PD) is recognized as a major cause of morbidity and mortality in the developing world. 69% of the children were breast-fed and 82% were bottle-fed before 12 months of age.

CONCLUSIONS: These results show that, among usual risk factors of PD bottle- feeding, diet errors and history of acute diarrhea seem to be particularly frequent in this Tunisian population. PMID: 7742906, UI: 95261463

Ingestion of carcinogenic N-nitrosamines by infants and children. Arch Environ Health 1990 Nov;45(6):359-363 , Westin JB, Unit for Environmental and Occupational Medicine, School of Public Health, Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem. Volatile N-nitrosamines are very potent carcinogens. They can be approximately
5 million times more powerful than saccharin. One of two principal methods isgenerally used when assaying rubber products for nitrosamine content: (1) the German method (aqueous extraction) or (2) the U.S. method dichloromethane extraction). When 16 types of baby-bottle nipples and children's pacifiers were tested recently, relatively high levels of nitramines, nitrosamines, and nitrosatable precursors were found. Eighty-one percent failed to meet the strict Dutch standards (based on the German method), but only 37.5% would have been banned according to U.S. regulations, which ignore nitrosatable-precursor content. Up to one-third of the nitrosamines present in a rubber nipple may migrate into the milk in the bottle within a few hours. Transfer into infant formula may exceed 40%, and transfer into saliva may be even higher. Thus, a highly contaminated nipple may cause a 5-kg infant who drinks 1 l/d to ingest approximately 2 micrograms/kg body weight.d of nitrosamines. To this, add any exposure resulting from pacifier use or from in vivo nitrosation of precursors.

Therefore, daily exposure of infants may, in the worst case, conceivably reach 4-5 micrograms/kg body weight.d. Entire average daily exposure of an American adult to volatile nitrosamines from major sources is estimated to be less than 0.05 micrograms/kg body weight.d. Infants who use products like those tested may, therefore, be exposed daily to less than or equal to 100 times more of these carcinogens than are adults. PMID: 2270955, UI: 91103608

Makes you wanna go Hmmmmmmm???????

Take Care,
Dr. David Page

PS: Don't forget the unique benefits to orofacial and airway development of exclusive breastfeeding---i.e. no bottle and no pacifier!

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