8, 1998
"Urbanization" & Breastfeeding
SP NEWS on Apnea is
on hold another week or so, in order to gather just
a few more details and confirm just a few hypothesis.
So for today:
BreastFeeding rates have changed the past few decades
in different segmented populations around the world---both
culturally and geopgraphically. Bottlefeeding rates
have changed at rates inversely related to breastfeeding
rates. "Urbanized" diseases--chronic degenerative
diseases have parallelled both of these changes....some-up...some
down. Many etiological factors related to these changes
still remain unknown and undefined.
order to better define some etiologic factors that have
been missed, dismissed or overlooked, I need to confirm
a few rates of BrFd vs. BtFd around the world. So by
this survey, among other modes of action, I ask you
and/or your contacts to help confirm regarding the past
20-30 years:
1) Has breastfeeding and/or exclusive
breastfeeding in Australia been on the increase or decrease?
And at what %?
2) Has breastfeeding and/or exclusive
breastfeeding in Czechoslovakia been on the increase
or decrease? And at what %?
3) Has breastfeeding and/or exclusive
breastfeeding in Israel been on the increase or decrease?
And at what %?
4) Has breastfeeding and/or exclusive
breastfeeding in Japan been on the increase or decrease?
And at what %?
5) Has breastfeeding and/or exclusive
breastfeeding in Spain been on the increase or decrease?
And at what %?
6) Has breastfeeding and/or exclusive
breastfeeding in U.K. been on the
increase or decrease? And at what %?
7) Has breastfeeding and/or exclusive
breastfeeding in U.S. been on the
increase or decrease? And at what %?
Coming soon...hopefully in completion of a journal-worthy-publication
on "urbanized" disease.